Wednesday, February 08, 2006

First time visitor to this site?


Pleased that you've been able to drop in.

If you wish, you can leave a few personal details here ( by clicking on COMMENTS ) and I will gladly reciprocate by dropping in on your own site.
As you will no doubt have gathered my interests lie solely in Ancient coins and I have a modest but well catalogued collection.


Kevin said...

Found you through Moneta-L and looking forward to reading your blog (are there any other blogs dealing with ancient coins?).

Reminds me of Saslow's last page in the Celator, which was a lot of fun.

My blog is at , but I haven't really got it off the ground yet (and nothing to do with ancients).


Ron Goldstein said...

Hi Kevin
As you will soon realise I am a complete newcomer to Moneta-L and am just feeling my way around the site.
This Blog is also very new and if I'm honest, is mainly for my own records rather than hoping to attract a wider audience. Please let me have your comments on the way it is working out.
For the past two years I have spent an inordinate amount of time on the BBC WW2 Peoples War website (go to my profile for links) and now that it is closed for further input I hopefully will have a bit more times for my coins.
Nice meeting up with you